Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Things to do at home

*Paint Bathroom
*Paint doors/bifold doors
*Paint shelves in mals closet
*Paint ceilings and edges
*Put away crap in closet
*Clear out back room and prepair it for a desk
*Set up a workout routine
*Sign up for classes online
*Clear out junk pages in and around desk
*Call ubid about fixing computer
*Cancel Wow account
*Try to find workout bench

Friday, April 25, 2008

Snapshot essay redone

When I think back on a snapshot of my life I think back to my earlier days. I distinctly recall the 80’s and early 90’s. As I travel back through to my earlier days I chuckle a little as I remember different little quirks. The first thing that comes to my mind are Saturday morning cartoons. I’m not talking about the cartoons today. Back then it was worth it to wake up extra early to see all of the best cartoons, hour after hour all morning long. Below I have collected some of my favorite cartoon theme songs to bring you back to a time in my life that I wish I could revisit. So As I was going through i decieded to make a top ten list.

Starting with number ten we have Ghostbusters.

Who ya gonna call?

I remember dressing up as ghostbusters for halloween. I had a full suit and a proton pack for busting ghosts. Although one day we decided to make my little brother into the ghost slimer by rubbing green jello all over him. My mom was not so happy since we got it everywhere.

Counting down at number nine we have Chip and Dale rescue rangers.

Cha cha cha chip and dale!

Chip and dale had a really catchy theme song. And for those who don't believe in marketing i distinctly remember requesting monetary jack cheese on my sandwhich's for school.

At number eight we have Ducktales.

At number seven we have Ninja Turtles!

Turtle Power!

Ninja Turtles were awesome! I remember having the toys and fighting the foot and shredder as my favorite turtle. I always loved Michelangelo. I always felt like I was the party dude too. Even to this day I can't see a pair of numchucks without picking them up and flipping them around until I hurt myself. lol.

At number six we have Darkwing duck.

Lets get Dangerous!

I loved the whole attitude of Darkwing Duck. Lets get dangerous was my motto for a whole summer. I remember building bike trails in fields and saying my motto lets get dangerous right before I turfed it on the landing and spent 4 weeks with my arm in a sling. It was totally worth it.

Cruising on to number five we have Thundercats.

Thundercats HOO!

When I was really little I had Lional's sword and I would run around the neighborhood yelling Thundercats Hoooo! I would dive behind rose bushes and chase after imaginary bad guys with my buddys.

Incoming at number four we have Transformers.

More than meets the eye.

I had all of the transformer toys. They were really complex I remember that my dad couldn't figure out how to transform all of them, but I could transform them all. My favorite's were the dinobots. Grimlock (the T-rex) was my favorite. I remember timeing myself to see how fast I could transform him back and forth. His head would flip back and his chest open up to reveal his robot head. Then his tail would flip back and click to his back, and his arms would come out of the sides. I don't remember the house that I lived in at the time but to this day I remeber transforming him back and forth.

At number three we have Eek the cat.

It never hurts to help. I thought that I was soo funny when he would say that every time just before he got clobbered helping someone. I loved it.

At number two there's Animaniac's

Countless hours of my life were spent learning the theme song to this cartoon. And no matter how many times you sung along it never got any less fun. You weren't cool unless you could sing this theme song. I was so pround when I looked this up and found that I could still remember it.

And Finally at number one we have King Arthur and the Knights of Justice.

This was the ultimate cartoon. It would come on sunday morning which was alway hard for me cause we had church. So I became a master at setting the vcr to tape episodes. I remember sitting in church drawing pictures of knights hardley able to sit still until I could get home to watch my favortie cartoon. I've always loved Knights and this show had awesome 80's rock music in it which is also my favorite type of music too!

Online Fiction Final Project

For my online fiction I have created a fake blog. I have chosen to write a blog of The Termintor correcting the problems that we are facing in America today.

Here is a link to the blog:

The Terminator

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Online fiction

These are the online fiction things that I found. I actually had a hard time finding them but here is what I found.This is a myspace page about William Shakespeare. I think that this is funny because he wasn't alive to make a myspace page. This is a video of people who are trying to freak people out by using fake ufo's. I thought that it was funny. UFO Here is another one on ufo's

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Wikipedia page

My topic is going to be creating a page on the Emg-89 guitar pickup. I will talk about the the history of the pickup and and the types of music that it is used for. Also giving a brief description so that people who don't know about pickups can understand a little about pickups.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Major Wiki-edit

Here is the page:

Here is the history:

I added many new links and more information about these pickups.